Our mission is to encourage children of all abilities to experience hands-on learning by offering safe, fun, inviting exhibits and programs.
To provide a facility that is accessible for all abilities.​
To be an environmentally friendly facility creating exhibits.
To provide a bilingual facility creating a welcoming environment for residents who speak English as a second language.
Recognize that rural families and schools deserve the educational advantages that children's museums provide.
Recognize and respect that play is essential to the healthy development of a child; all children deserve a chance to play, no matter what.
Create a strong sense of wonder, awe and inspiration in every person that interacts with us.
Create a welcoming environment that provides opportunities for exploration, communication and social interaction.
Create exhibits that encourage choices, problem solving and discovery.
Educational Philosophy
The Mitten Children's Museum echoes the belief of educators worldwide that play is essential to the healthy development of a child. In order to succeed in an ever-changing world, children need to develop habits of inquiry that will last a lifetime.
Of the 350 children's museums established worldwide, the majority of them are located in urban areas. The Mitten strongly believes that our rural and low-income families deserve the same opportunities that many urban families, schools and day care providers have on a daily basis within close proximity of their homes and schools.
The Mitten is a dynamic educational setting where all types of informal learning occur. Because children, like adults, have different ways of acquiring knowledge, we provide culturally rich programs to increase the chance of school success and positive family experiences. Our exhibits encourage choices, problem solving and discovery. Our facility provides a welcoming environment that offers opportunities for exploration, communication and social interaction.
The Mitten is a place where learning is more than an education -- it's fun and entertaining!